Cannabidiol is CBD
Cannabidiol aka CBD is one of the 113 identified cannabinoids contained in the cannabis plant. Cannabidiol was discovered in 1940 by British chemist Robert S. Cahn. An American chemist in 1942 by the name of Roger Adams, first successfully isolated the first cannabinoid. It was cannabidiol, mostly known as CBD. It was Robert’s research that also led to the discovery of Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC.
Early on, scientist and researchers were limited in their knowledge of the cannabis plant and its composition. In 1963, Dr. Raphael Mechoulam was able to uncover the stereochemistry of CBD. In the 1980’s Dr. Mechoulam and his team first conducted a study using CBD for the treatment of epilepsy. They administered daily 300mg doses of CBD to a study group of eight persons. After only four months, half of the group stopped having seizures while the other half had a decrease in the frequency of seizures. Unfortunately, due to the stigma towards cannabis, his study was never hailed as a breakthrough with the potential of changing 50 million epilepsy sufferers around the world. What came next would rock the medical world.
Discovering the Endocannabinoid System

In 1973 scientist discovered the brain’s opiate receptor. A few years later in 1988, Allyn Howlett and William Devane at the St. Louis University School of Medicine made a major discovery. In a government funded study, they determined that the brains of mammals have receptor sites that respond to compounds found in cannabis. These cannabinoid receptors turned out to be the most abundant type of neurotransmitter receptors in the brain.
In 1990, it was announced that a team lead by Lisa Matsuda at the National Institute of Mental health had mapped the DNA sequence that encodes a cannabinoid receptor in the brain.
Through further studies around the world, more receptors in the body were identified. The discovery of these receptors resulted in the uncovering of naturally occurring neurotransmitters called endocannabinoids. Scientists soon came across an unknown molecular signaling system within the body that is involved in regulating a broad range of biological functions. This system was named the endocannabinoid system (ECS).
The endocannabinoid system (ESC) serves many purposes but it mainly maintains a stable environment within the body. This stable environment is called homeostasis. Endogenous (made in the body) cannabinoids called endocannabinoids regulate this system. Dr. John Hicks, MD, author of the book “The Medical Power of Cannabis” says “It interconnects all systems, organs and tissues and responds to changes in the internal and external environment. Its whole purpose is to keep our bodies functioning at their best by adapting to change.”
While the body produces its own endocannabinoids, people can have a endocannabinoid deficiency. It is this reason why support of the endocannabinoid system can be extremely essential. This is where CBDA and CBD comes in. They contribute to the body’s homeostasis. In cases of deficiency, they have shown promise of alleviating or reversing what is believed to be the resulting debilitating ailments. The FDA has approved CBD medication Epidioex for treatment of two forms of epilepsy. Finally, the long-awaited result supporting the work of Dr. Raphael Mechoulam done so many years ago has now come to pass.
Without further extensive government research, readily available CBD products are not designed or FDA approved to treat any major diseases. Whether using CBD Oil to promote homeostasis or fight endocannabinoid deficiency the resulting benefits have been well documented by researchers and users. CBD has shown benefits in pain reduction, insomnia, anxiety, treating addiction, arthritis, treating schizophrenia, combating cancer, reducing inflammation, treating type 1 diabetes, treating acne, slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s and much more.
Does CBD Oil get you high?

No! CBD is not THC. CBD is not responsible for getting you high. It is the THC that gets you high. In a historic November 2017 report, The World Health Organization (WHO) found that CBD does not contain any adverse health effects and that the non-psychoactive cannabinoid is well-tolerated in both humans and animals. Furthermore, WHO stated that CBD does not cause physical dependence and is “not associated with abuse potential.” In the report, they also mentioned that people aren’t getting high off of CBD. “To date,” authors of the report wrote, “there is no evidence of the recreational use of CBD, or any public health related problems associated with the use of pure CBD.”
The CBD we are talking about is derived from Hemp. Hemp is not Marijuana but they are both variants of cannabis. Generally speaking, Hemp has very high levels of CBD but low levels of THC. Marijuana has very high levels of THC and lower levels of CBD. They are not the same plant. While CBD can be derived from both Hemp and Marijuana, only CBD from Hemp is legal.
CBD Oil side effects

There has been limited small scale studies conducted to determine the side effects or risks associated with taking CBD. Most studies have investigated the safety of CBD in adults. They concluded that adults tend to tolerate a wide range of doses well. Researchers have found no significant side effects on the central nervous system, the vital signs, or mood, even among people who used high dosages. The most common side effect was tiredness. Also, some people reported diarrhea and changes in appetite or weight.
There have not been any broad studies associated with the possible risk factors of taking CBD. Furthermore, there has not been any broad studies on the risks or side effects involving children taking CBD. Data gathered have indicated a potential risk of adverse effects if you are on medication. Avoidable risks involving CBD have to do with the growing, cultivation, and manufacturing of the CBD products. CBD should be clear of any pesticides, contaminates, metals and bacteria. Most people report a feeling of calmness and relaxation which is why many people take CBD for anxiety.
Before using CBD, it is best to check with your physician. Make sure you find out if it could have an adverse effect with any medication you may be taking. A good CBD company should have products that are NON-GMO, PESTICIDE FREE, and use only organic ingredients. Products should be manufactured in a registered GMP.
GMP stands for Good Manufacturing Practices and refers to a system of manufacturing that guarantees reproducibility of product quality to set specifications. Most important a good CBD company should use 3rd party independent lab analysis and posts the reports for consumers.